I am sooo done with this E.I.E.I.O kit. I don't want to see it again, i am sooo sick of looking at it for the past 2 days!!! BUT i still think is super cute and adorable!!! I can't wait til Sunday for this kit to release!!! Woo hoo.
Soooo i got an issue with Blogspot, i don't know what the Beep is up with it. No one seems to be able to comment on my blog. I did everything right, i turn on my blog where everyone can comment. My blog isn't feeling any love. Now i'm really thinking of just suck it up and pay 10 bucks a month for typepad, hey is a business write off right. I might as will. Blah, i'm tired and crinky i'm gonna head to bed now.
Ok Ladies i'm out! 9t9
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