Hello ladies is me again finding another excuse to blog. Ok now my dear friend AmyJO have this really really cool Distress overlay where you can us it COMMERICALLY. I have couple set and let me tell you I TOTALLY can't wait to try them out myself for my own kit!!!
If you are a new designer and like to distress your papers this are the perfect set for you. So drop by AmyJo's blog and purchase your own copy!
Have a great weekend ladies!!
Finally i finish my "Playful" Kit. I just love the colors of this kit so playful and fit for a boy and a girl layout. I hope you like =)
Layout by Jodie davidson
Layout by Audrey Lifin
Thanks for looking. By the way i been obsess with blogging. I am finding any excuse to blog now LOL.
Have a great day!!!
Here are the ribbons and wordarts that coordinate to my "Touch of spring" kit. I hope you like them.
Download Link
I finally finish my "Playful" kit and will be up in the store tomorrow, woo hoo!!! Do come back sometime today to see the preview!
OK night girls is almost 1 in the morning LOL
Hello ladies just want to drop by to show you my part of the assortment which can be purchase at the sweetshoppe on April 1st no joke. The assortment included 9 mini kits from 9 designers at the sweetshoppe for you to sample for a low price of 2.49. I'm telling you the Assortment is looking pretty good to me!!! Do please visit the sweetshoppe girls blog to view there assortments.
Remember i told you about me and orange??? Well guess what i have orange in this mini kit LOL. I really appreciated many of you telling me how much you like my orange, thank you!!!
Ok ladies i'm off to finish some stuff.
Have a great day!!!
Now how often do I ever go to sleep at 9? Probably a few times a year. Last night when I put my two muunchin to sleep I fell asleep next to them. I suppose that is a good thing to sleep early. I wanted to stay up late last night to finish up some ribbons for my "Touch of Spring Freebie" and finish up my upcoming kit "Playful" I probably can do all that today hmmmm.
Anyhow Ashlyn have gotten over her cold wooo hoo BUT this morning while Justion woke up with this nasty dry cough, YUCK!! I think my kids been sick continuely one after another for the past couple months woo hoo what joy.
I also want to thank you for your sweet comments on my past posts. I really appericated all the kind words, make this girl just warm and fussy inside. Love you all!! You guys are part of the reason why I still design. Knowing someone who love my design is a great feeling. Recently i have gotten emails about some of my stuff being pirated in yahoo groups, such sad case. I work hard on my kits so do all the designers out there and most of the time i draw my own florals and is not just something i just throw in my kits. It just sadden me to find out that some of my kits have been pirated a few hundred times and I don't even think i sold more then 100 on each kits. So I really really appreciated those of you who support me by buying my kits and even emailing me about how much you love what I have done. Thank You.
Do come back again for the "Touch of Spring" ribbons. Papers, Alphabet, Tags and Flower can still be download, just scroll down to collect them.
Ok girls have a great day.
I just finished this tags and flower for you ladies. Hope you like them. Tomorrow maybe i'll make some wordart and ribbons =) Enjoy!!! If you haven't been here you can scroll a few posts down to download papers and alphabet if still available..
Download Link
Ok i am off to sleep good night and see you guys tomorrow
Have you girls saw this brushes Amyjo have created? They are awesome, AND you can us them commerically as for kits you sell!!! Isn't that cool!!!
Go Visit AMY'S BLOG to purchase this cool brushes i promise you will not regret.
Ok girls have a great evening
Hey girls sorry i didn't make any goodies yesterday. I wasn't in the mood to do anything yesterday, all i want to do is sleep all day and do nothing but i did manage to make a yummy dinner. Maybe i should be more like Gina Miller and do some shopping and cheer myself up or i can go buy myself another barbie online. Anyhow i need to do a Lil' Sweetie for a friend which i promise almost a month ago. I should get crackin!!!!
I am not sure do i live in southern california because the weather is just wierd, is cold and is raining. I love rain sometime but most of the time it make me depress and tire.
Ok i better get that sweetie done.
Have a great days girls, maybe i'll make some tags or ribbons for the Touch of Spring Kits tonight. So drop by tomorrow to collect the tags or ribbons.
Anyways want more great free kits go to Sara Carling Blog for a cute easter kit!!!
Have a great day
I just finish this alphabet and numbers. I hope you like them. Make sure to come back often and collect the whole kit./>
OH my gosh my link was BAD but I fix it. Thank you Laura Barden Sylvia and Miss S for noticing my bad link.
Download Link
Ok is 12:21 in the morning, I am gonna head to bed
Is sunday and I am bored LOL. No where to go and nothing to do. I did whip up a quick layout of my son today using my upcoming kit "Playful". Still working on this kit and really not sure what else to put in it. I only have 5 papers so far and a few elements, just not motivated to finish at this moment. One min I am on fire the next min I am just as slow as turtle LOL. I guess all designers have there good and bad days. You know lately i am just sooooo into the color orange, my last few kits and my upcoming kit have orange it it LOL. I gotta stop with the orange!!!
Don't forget to drop by often to grab the elements i am gonna make that cordinate to my "Touch of Spring" papers. Touch of Spring can still be download, scroll down two posts for download link.
Have a great Sunday!! I think I am off for a little snooze.
You girls have been such great sport about commenting on my freebie. I really appreciate all the kind words. So do check back again for some elements that i haven't created yet LOL. I will be making them after the weekend.
Ok Ashlyn is doing much much better today and thank you so much for asking. We where able to go to a baby shower today and my kids have fun. Now my son asked me "Where is the baby?" I told him is in that lady's tummy, he seem confuse and he asked me how is the baby gonna come out? What do i say to a 4 yrs old boy!!!! I haven't answer him yet but thought maybe someone out there can help me out. Come on ladies some of you girls must have gone thru this already right????
Anyhow i manage to do a layout today. I tried to cover the whole layout with papers,if you don't know i am a white space addict so not to shabby don't you think?
Papers are from my freebie "Touch of Spring" which is the bottom post and i believe is still downloadable and elements from my "Sonaran Sunrise kit"
Have a wonderful day!!!
Well, my dd Ashlyn have been sick, high fever and nasal congestion. She seem to be better today but still having fever on and off. While she was taking a nap i decided to create a little something and thought i'll share with you girls.
Download Link
If you girls be a sweetie and comment with a little thank you I might make some matching elements for this lovely papers!!!
Oh my gosh i finally got her, yes yes yes!!!! Well i got paid yesterday and i was itching to get something so i ran over to ebay and bid for this beautiful barbie. I got her for a steal, she is usually over 100 bucks but i bid her for 40 bucks with no handling and shipping. I can't contain myself i want her right now!!! How long is she gonna get here, and darn is the weekend so is gonna be delay. ARGH!!!!! Anyways if you don't know i am a BIG BIG fan of Audrey Hepburn, she is one of the most beautiful woman dead and breakfast at tiffany is one of my favorite film of herr. I am also a Barbies Addict, love love love barbies.
My next mission is this wondeful Maiko barbie doll. She is a bit pricey but she is a must have to me!!!
have a great day everyone!!!
What am I gonna blog about today hmmm... well tomorrow Brian my dh is coming home from his two weeks business trip. So therefore i have to clean the house today. My dh is a clean freak, i mean clean freak. So i might do bit more cleaning today.
Anyways you girls register to sweetshoppedesign?? if you haven't yet i think you should. Always some good surprise in the newsletters. Oh do come back and shop at the sweet shoppe tomorrow a 25 percent discount going on!!!!
OK i can't think will blog more later if i can think of something
Hi everyone, i have yet completed another kit. I am on fire!!! LOL Actaully i am addicted. I told myself that I am on a break after this kit but guess what, i found myself looking for another scheme LOL
Intruducing Sonoran Sunrise this is personally one of my favorite kit of mind at this moment and i hope you guys like it too!!!
Also Sweetshoppe have a collab kit call Dream a little Dream. Fab kit girls!!! I couldn't figure out how to make this preview blink but there is also loads of yummy elements that will sure to make you drool!
I am also very very excited to tell you girls that we Got Tracy Ann to sell at our shope. I have always admire her work and i am just thrill to know she will be part of our little clan LOL.
OK that is about it now!!! Have a great day and my dh is coming home on friday oh what joy someone to help me take care of my kids LOL
Hello everyone i have no idea what to blog about as you already know i am a poor poor blogger.
Let do some useless bloging today.
Well let me see my dh have gone to his business trip on sunday and will not be home til the 17th. Yes yes what a long trip. I was sad in the beginning but hey i can really get us to him not around telling me to clean up after the kids. He is in Australia right now having meeting after meeting. He calls once or twice everyday. My dd is sick again, yes i know again she is always sick and it seem like she only get sick when my dh is on a business trip.
So this weekend we have a b-day party to go to. Is a b-day party for twins a boy and a girl. They are the cuties!!! I bought them the cuties outfit at the childrens place. I love children place, they have cute outfit and afforadable price where i can still afford with my digital money!!!!!! I wish i can show you what i bought for the twins but too bad i couldn't find it on there site anymore. As i was at the children's place website i saw some cuties little outfit i want to get my dd on my next trip to the mall.
OH gosh i took my ds to watch Curious George, it is such a cute movie you guys gonna take your kids if you haven't or buy this movie when the dvd is out. George is sooo cute he remind me of my dd, a little brat but too cute to get mad at. My son absolutely enjoy the move!!!! Boy was he spoil that they I treated him to candy factory, a little train ride and a Power Ranger toy!!!!! Can't wait to take him to another movie again!!!!
Oh guess what one of my favorite show is on tonight, O.C!!! Actaully is one of my dh favorite. I forgot what happened on the last episode, is it the one guy johny who died off. I really don't remember, i will have to refresh and watch tonight.
Oh here are some of the layouts i have done this year LOL. I haven't scrap for sooo long but is not too bad don't you think???
Ok i think that is enough usless blogging today.
have a great day everyone.
Hi everyone i have a new kit up at SweetShoppe is call Beautiful Me. Is a kit made for all women who is beautiful in everyway. Let celebrate our beauty and scrap about it. Watch out for a beautiful me contest coming soon. =)
Beautiful me can be purchase at http://www.sweetshoppedesigns.com/shoppe/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=123
have a great day